Trevin is a Crusin!!!

Posted by Erica

Trevin has decided that crawling just wasn't for him. Mothers day he walked about 5 steps, the farthest he had ever gone. Yesterday May 22nd he just let go. He walks everywhere, in fast he was almost running today.

This week is crazy busy, and the next the same and the next, then hopefully after the next things could slow down. Shanna, my sister was supposed to move June 21st. Well they got a renter sooner and well we started packing her yesterday and she needs to be out by June 27th since that is the day we are going to Mexico!!!! We are so excited but overwhelmed. Getting prepared for camping for a week on the beach is time consuming enough without trying to pack a 2,150 square foot home in 4 days. In addition it is Trevins Big 1 year old birthday Saturday. My brother Chad and his wife and kids are going to be here from Iowa, my brother Jake, his wife and her friend and her husband and my mom and dad are going to be staying here for Trevins party. In addition Shanna & her family will be here also. It will be so fun having my whole family together. This means some serious grocery shopping and cleaning on my part! Nobody has seen my house yet so I want everything to be perfect... Monday we are going to have a birthday party for Trevin with the Lopez's!!!


Posted by Erica


Erik graduated with his Masters of Information Management degree Saturday, May 10Th! Trevin and I are very, very proud of his dedication, determination and devotion through this whole thing. I am also very, very glad it is over!!! I am amazed at how easy he made it seem, and still spent time with us and made sure we were his top priority!

Trevin was very good during the ceremony. He just kept wanting to give me kisses!

My mom and dad, Erik's Grandma and Grandpa Skinnell, Grandma Estrada, Mom and Dad, Jennifer, Brian, Mischaelle and Kolman all came to support him. It was a wonderful day!

Trevin is going to be just like his daddy!!