We went to the doctor for Trevin's 18th month check. He was a very brave boy. He didn't cry at all after his shots, in fact he smiled and waved to everyone as we left. It was pretty cute. STATS: Weight: 22 lbs 10 oz 15% percentile
Height: 32 1/2 inches 50% percentile
Head Circumference: 19 inches 50% percentile
I could not believe it either. Erik and I have a skinny son! Who would have ever guessed :) Other than being a little under weight he is a very healthy happy boy.
She did ask if said 12 to 15 words. I said no he only says 6 words!! Oh on, what do I do. She wanted me to call the Arizona hearing speech and developmental delay center. After I left the office I went straight up to Heber for Thanksgiving. While we were there he picked up a couple more words and learned a couple of tricks. My niece Kamarie taught Trevin to bite and hit. Every time she would come near him he would flare his teeth. Trevin taught Kamarie to hit the tv, get water out of the water cooler and play in the toilet and dogs water.
Here are a few words Trevin says: Grandma, Papa, Mom, Daddy, Dog, Kitty, Cracker, Ready,Set, Go, Ball, Truck, Kaden, No, yes, uh Oh, Ok, More.