Friday I went to my last OB Doctors visit for 7 Weeks! I am very excited and beyond tired. The weight ultra sound says this little boy is not so little. They think he is a little over 8 lbs. I am all scheduled and ready to go to start induction on the 1st of April (no joke!) Baby boy name-less Lopez will be here April 2nd if not sooner. My sister is on spring break and she and her family came to visit. She helped me put the baby's room together (almost done) and re due the dresser and figure out where everything is supposed to be. I can not make a decision for anything right now. Its like there is no connection between my brain and logical thoughts so it was nice to have her here to help me think. She also decided to walk this baby out of me. She took me yard saleing and shopping. I can't even keep my eyes open so if this doesn't make since...
I went to the doctor again today. He did a quick ultra sound, he said he just wanted to take a look. He kept saying "that's a big baby, look at those chubby cheeks" those are not really comforting words :) He said next week we will do an actual weight ultra sound. He thinks he is 7.5 lbs now, so he said depends on how big he is he may do an amio ( i'm sure I spelt that wrong). I really don't want to do that but I really don't want to have a huge baby either. Anyway, I think everything is going to be OK. We went ahead and scheduled the induction for the night of April 1st. I wanted to go naturally but I think I am over that too.

I think my mom and aunts did a great job pulling something together.

Everything was so perfect. The cultural hall was amazing with tons of fresh roses, daisies and lights. Everything was so beautiful.

(My neighbor Sari Franco made my cake!)
My brother Jacob who just got home from his mission and whose homecoming was the next day, one of his companions came to see him. Luckily he used to work for a wedding photographer and he took the pictures.

I went to the doctor Friday a 7:45 and left at 9:30! The time really is not why I am posting it was just a long wait time. I found out that baby boy Lopez is roughly 6 lbs already. Yep the baby ticker is right I am 35 weeks with a 6 lb baby already. They set my induction date for April 1st... well they will induce April 1st and I will hopefully have him April 2nd. April 2nd is a busy birthday day for our family, my brother Chad and brother-in-law KC's b-day. My mothers and nephew Brylan's b-day is the 5th so I guess he will be in good company.
April 2nd is SO soon. I got to get cracking on my list.
Erik did paint the baby's room I really like the color. His sister Jennifer came that night to help finish up (thank havens) if not I think he would still be in there painting!