Trevin Christopher Lopez
May 24, 2007
Trevin has always had a personality, here he is two days after his birth. He is already making us laugh!
One year later....
I can't believe my baby is two!!!
Here are a couple things I love about Trevin:
"big loud hugs"
his sorry's (he makes a fist and rubs it on your cheek)
when he says cool he gives a thumbs up and turns his hat sideways
(we have no idea where he came up with that)
when he says "baby"
he loves his brother SO much
I love when he sees his daddy(aka mommy) and runs to give him hugs and kisses
He thinks he is hilarious!!! He cracks his own jokes and laughs forever.
Loves to cuddle with his mom..aka...kerika
He loves music, singing, dancing, playing!
when he prays he just says Grandma, Papa, Grandma, Papa, Grandma, Papa, Amen
LOVES playing with his cousins!!!!
Full of energy
There is SO much more personality than can be contained in such a little package!
We went to Heber and Round valley to visit cousins for his birthday! It rained to whole time but they played and played.
Sometimes he felt a little picked on by these two angels, Kamarie and Hannah.
They are all the same age, it was fun.
We then had a pool party at Grandma and Papa Lopezs home. It was a lot of fun. He got to play with more cousins (Eli is with him in the pict) and spoiled with lots of presents. One of his favorite was a little Einstein rocket ship(thanks uncle Henry & Laura!) He LOVES IT carries it around all the time. He also got a really great tricycle. He just figured out how to ride yesterday now he wants on it continually.
Grandma made him his own special cake.

Here he is with all of his Lopez cousins except Kolmen.
Rebekah, Eli, Trevin, Jonas, Naomi, Regan and Grandma
But we did not stop there! Trevin had a birthday month pretty much. We had a couple of his friends come over to play and eat cake. My sister and her family surprised us that night too. We had a great time.
This is Trevin saying CHEESE!!!!
*I know the cake is not professional by any means but....I am not creative. This was the best I could do!