Here Trevin is on our way to Heber to spend Christmas with Grandma, Grandpa and his cousins.

When we got there we were greeted by this great big snow Dinosaur that KC and
Kaden built! IT was really neat.

We also have a snowman village to greet us. There were three giant snowman that took
everyone help to build.
Trevin loved playing in the snow for the first time and wanted to play outside no matter how cold it was.

Christmas Eve my parents have this wonderful tradition. We turn all of the lights down low and light all of the
candles in the house. My dad reads "The Night Before Christmas" and the "
Naivety" from the bible by
candle light. We then sing
Christmas Carols and say family prayer.

This year we wanted to get a picture of the kids before
Christmas day in their Christmas
Jammie's. They loved that idea can't you tell!!!

Eventually they all settled down with help from Grandpa.

He just looked so cute in his pj's and slippers!
Trevin got a light saber and loved it. Well all of the kids and dads got them too. There was a lot of running, swinging, and lets be honest crying involved.
The Squires and the Dunaways( our really great friends in Snowflake) always spend Christmas day together. So after the presents and the rolls are made we head into snowflake for Christmas dinner, visiting and present exchange. We had a wonderful time. All of the Dunaway girls were there this time and it was much fun.
Erik, Trevin, Grandpa and I took Grandma Stratton out to lunch the next day. She looks so good and it was nice to visit with her. I miss her.

Here is a picture with
Trevin and I with Grandad
Stratton. We love you and miss you Grandad.

Erik had to go back to work but I stayed a couple days with my parents and got some rest.
Trevin loves his cousins and they had a great time playing. Monday night was our annual Clam Chowder/Green
chili stew party. Everyone in the neighborhood came. It was a smaller turn out than normal but it was a lot of fun, good food (do you see a trend?) and Friends!