Jonas is the happiest baby. ALWAYS smiley he is so much fun!!!

We went to the
Children's museum of Phoenix a couple of weeks ago. Erik got the day off and we spent the day together.
Trevin had SO MUCH FUN. We had to pry him away from everything to move on to the next thing.

Here he is making dinner. He was very interested in everything he did.

HE LOVED THE SHOPPING area. It has mini carts and he filled them up and checked out.

The noodle jungle was a hit too.

This was a
car wash I think we were here for 45 min. He just kept going around and around. there were several other ladies there with their kids and they kept asking how old is he? He peddles so well for a two year old. I was proud. :)

Jonas was loving all of the colors and things to look at.

Here are
vacuum tube things. They were neat too.