Posted by Erica

Easter was a little different this year.  My dad is the ultimate traditionalist, growing up every Easter we color the eggs Saturday.  Then Sunday "The Easter Bunny" hides the eggs and empty Easter Baskets.  We wake up and find the eggs all over the house and find the baskets that are now full of goodies.  The Easter Bunny is a VERY good hider.  We could never find our baskets on our own.
Even after all of us kids were out of the house my mother still had to wake up Easter morning and find eggs and her basket.

Well since I had just had a baby a week before our Easter plans were different.  We still colored eggs and hid them in the back yard for Trevin, he found his basket (that he wanted nothing to do with.)  We were planning on going to Erik's parents for Easter dinner but his mother caught a horrible cold and was really under the weather.

Erik made a very delicious Easter spread with deviled eggs, mashed potatoes, corn, and Ham. I am very lucky to have such a great cook around.  We try to take family pictures on Easter in our Sunday best.  It was too soon to take Jonas in public so my Sunday best was laking this year (honestly I think it was the first time out of my pj's in a week. )

This is as close as we got to a family picture this year.  Hopefully next year we will look a little better too.  Here are my boys looking very dapper in there Easter cloths. 


Trevin LOVED coloring the eggs.  We color ours with crayons first then with dye it was great fun.

Erik took Trevin to his first Easter Egg hunt.  It was the ward activity I was very jealous.  I wanted to see him.  Erik said that Trevin had a blast.  I am so glad, wish I could have seen him.


Posted by Erica

Here are some pictures of Jonas. He is always making faces.

Posted by Erica

What to say. I never really know. First off I guess I can give a little labor story. We went in April 1st (no joke) to be induced at 10:00 pm. I wasn't expecting them to call until later and if at all then I would not go in until 1 or 2. I was planning on scrubbing the bathroom and moping the floor before we went to the hospital. We got home from dropping Trevin off at Erik's parents at 8:30 and the Hospital had called!!! That meant we only had one hour!!! Which included calling my parents in Samoa to tell them what is going on.
They jelled me at 3 times which I had an allergic reaction too. Then my contractions were 2 min. apart and pretty strong. I was progressing nicely so I said "lets get crackin on that epidural." It was really painful this time and my back and my right leg were sore for a week after. After the epidural all progression halted! She was not even going to give pitocin... They started on a small drip.

The Doctor came in at 10:45am and broke my water. At 3:35pm he came back I pushed a couple times and at 3:40 pm Jonas Squire Lopez was born.
I was really nervous, he was SO blue. I just kept saying, "he is so blue!" and he didn't cry for awhile. They said he is ok they came and scrubbed him and he started crying this deep cry. Both of my boys are basses.
Trevin LOVES HIS BROTHER! He wants to hold him all the time and can not be left alone for a second with Jonas due to all of the loves. He insist on holding him over his shoulder.

I just loved this picture of my little rock star. He loves playing his daddy's guitar. I hope he gets Erik's musical abilities!


Posted by Erica

Born: April 2, 2009
Weight: 7 lbs. 13 oz.
Length: 21 inches

Getting ready to go home
And then there were four!

Today's the Day!

Posted by Erica

I am supposedly being induced TODAY!!! I just keep thinking I can not go on one more day...then my heart breaks a little for my friend Amy who is due 3 days after me and has to wait. She is much stronger than I am I AM DONE. Now I don't know if I would say I am ready, are you ever really ready to go into labor, or have a new born, or go through recovery? I call in at 10:00 to see if a bed is ready then every hour after until they are ready for us.

I am a little nervous about the whole induction thing. I was all gun ho with Trevin to be induced and excited then my water broke and everything went so fast that it wasn't a big deal. Now there is a greater possibility of a c-section, of baby boy Lopez (still nameless I know he is coming today.) (Hey maybe you have a suggestion? PLEASE WE ARE ALL EARS.) Where was I... I am so dingy lately. Oh... He may not be developmentally ready, I am only 38 weeks and 2 days. AND my kitchen floor isn't mopped, the guest bath needs scrubbed, and the clean sheets on our bed. Erik is coming home early so I will just have to keep him busy.

We walked the mall yesterday trying to get things started. I don't really like the mall, but I do love Wetzel Pretzel. I am so tired! I did actually sleep last night. It is the first time since I have been pregnant that I slept for 5 1/2 hours without having to get up to go to the bathroom, tell Erik to stop snoring or see why Trevin is crying. Then Trevin woke up at 5:00 and came and climbed in bed with me. I normally can't sleep by him this pg so uncomfortable but he was laying on my arm, it fell completely asleep to the point of freezing and I just slept through the pain. I convinced myself it was better to lose my arm than to wake him up. We slept until 7:30!!! Whaahooo!

Wish me luck! I am TOTALLY serious about the name suggestion thing. We are debating between Jonas and Kyson. Erik likes Jonas.... I like Kyson... So we are open for new ideas....

2 Saturdays ago.

Posted by Erica

I REALLY want my back yard done ASAP... Even if I have to do it my self. No Erik is a hard worker and was out there too. I just hate sitting around watching everyone else do the work. I think it is what every 9 month pregnant women should do, pull weeds and shovel rocks.My men hard at work.Trevin is now obsessed with the hula hoe. Instead of playing with his toys he is out there working. I hope this stays with him forever.
I love my ward. We have the neatest people. The 21st some of my friends put together an impromptu baby celebration. We went to islands and visited. It was So much fun. I had a really good time.
The funny thing about the party was there ended up being more pregnant women there than not. All of us on the left side of the table were pregnant and the right side had seven month old babies, except for Holly her little girl is two months. Two women were unable to come and again one was pg the other has a seven month old. It is great to be able to relate! Girls day out is really what I needed...
Thanks Holly and Beth for putting this together for me!